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Publishing Opportunity

As a presenter at CIT you have an opportunity to have your paper published in the Journal of Educational Technology Systems (JETS).

To have your paper considered for publication, you must submit a full paper of publishable quality.  The length of JETS papers varies between 10 and 30 pages but can be slightly longer or shorter than this range.  A peer review will be conducted of all papers and a limited number  (3-6) will be selected for publication in a special CIT edition of the Journal.  Papers must:

  • Describe how technology impacts higher education in a case study, description of technology innovation, survey or review article, theoretical article, or through research results.
  • Describe actual experimentation and practice with the educational use of technology.
  • Discuss the relevant research on the topic in a literature review.  (Papers don’t need to be based on original research but they should be conversant in the research on the topic.)
  • Be relevant for a broad education audience and not just those in a single discipline.

Authors are also encouraged to browse past editions of JETS to see the types of papers they publish and verify that your topic has not already been addressed in the journal.

The Journal of Educational Technology Systems (JETS) deals with systems in which technology and education interface and is designed to inform educators who are interested in making optimum use of technology.  More importantly, the Journal focuses on techniques and curriculum that utilize technology in all types of educational systems.  Description of actual classroom practice and experimentation with the educational use of technology is an equally important aspect of the Journal.  The audience for the journal includes educators, administrators, and researchers who are interested in keeping up with the latest educational technologies, and best practices for employing those technologies both within and outside the classroom.  Educational systems, both software and hardware, that improve or evaluate instruction are of primary interest.

To submit a manuscript the CIT issue of JETS, papers need to be sent as a Word or PDF file to by July 8, 2024.  Peer Review and revisions will take place in July and August and authors are notified of final selections by September 16, 2024.  Selected papers will be published in the December 1, 2024 issue of JETS.

Manuscript preparation for selected papers should follow publication guidelines described at the SAGE website. Direct questions about your CIT paper for consideration in JETS to Chris Price, Academic Programs Manager, SUNY Center for Professional Development (