Requirements & Responsibilities
CIT averages 500 attendees each year. The following is an outline of the requirements and responsibilities of a CIT host campus. A campus should:
- Be available to hold CIT at the end of May (either the week prior to or immediately following the Memorial Day holiday.) Set-up takes place on Monday and the conference runs Tuesday through Friday.
- Provide the use of campus facilities (classrooms/lecture halls, theater/auditorium, computer labs, dining halls, and other necessary venues) at no additional cost to the conference.
- Provide on-campus dorm housing for approximately 100. Dorm housing should include the provision of linens.
- Provide the capacity to handle 400+ (overall) for meals.
- Provide free parking on campus that is convenient to conference venues. This should include an adequate amount of handicapped parking.
- Provide seven lecture halls/classrooms that can accommodate concurrent sessions. Rooms should have a minimum seating of 45-50 for 3-4 of the rooms and 80+ for the remaining. These rooms should have wireless Internet access and be equipped with projector, screen and either a computer or the ability for a presenter to use their own laptop, iPad, or tablet.
- Provide a hall/theater/auditorium with a minimum capacity of 300 for our Guest, Keynote, and Featured Speakers. This facility should have excellent projection, sound, A/V support, Internet, and the ability to stream/record and to connect for any remote broadcasts.
- Provide at least 3 computer labs to be used for Pre-conference Workshops (must have at least 1 Mac lab), along with Hands-on Demos during the conference.
- Provide a large area to accommodate a minimum of 30 vendor exhibit booths (booths are piped & draped and are 8’ deep x 10’ wide each), plus catering set-ups.
Provide Staffing Resources as follows:
- Host Campus Liaison: Individual(s) to serve on the CIT Planning Committee, and serve as an ex-officio member of the FACT2 Advisory Council for the year preceding the conference. This individual will be the primary interface between the CIT Conference Director and host campus departments, such as housing, catering, parking, physical plant, security, bookstore, and others as needed. They would be responsible for reserving facilities for the conference and the CIT Planning Committee meeting held at the host campus. Individual(s) would be responsible for assembling/coordinating an internal planning committee that includes key individuals from the various host campus departments.
- Technical Liaison: Individual(s) to serve as the Technical Liaison and to serve on the CIT Planning Committee. This individual(s) would be the primary interface between the Conference Director and campus departments providing technical services for the conference such as Academic Computing, A/V Services, Networking Services, and Telecommunications. Individual would work with the Conference Director to determine rooms and labs to be used for conference sessions based on the technical needs of each presentation and the technology available in each room/lab.
- Faculty/Staff: Provide additional faculty/staff to serve on the CIT Planning Committee throughout the 10-month planning process.
- Staff/Student Support: Provide staff support/students the week of the conference to provide technical support during the conference, and to provide assistance to conference participants.
- Financials: Payment of costs associated with student conference assistants, technical support in preparation of and during the conference; directional signs on campus (outside and inside), including session room signs. At the conclusion of the conference, documentation of campus costs paid from the Host campus funding must be provided to the CPD.